Wednesday, July 18, 2007

sadly no pride

alright well i really don't feel like typing so much, but then, i have lots of days where i really don't feel like doing damned much of a lick of anything. fortunately i am a workaholic so that settles that.

today flew by at work, things seem to be going better here for me generally. i am sketched about certain things which i'll not mention in this public forum, but i am generally sketched about anything whenever the honeymoon is over, so take that as it is. in all regards, things are alright although i do feel somewhat lethargic.

i went to beauty bar last saturday night, there was a time in my life some years ago when going to that stupid place assured that i would be having a blast. it's not as glitzy as several other places that are wayyy more comfortable (and, i assume, welcoming feeling) but it's warm in it's gross throwback-do it yourself-homely manner. it just feels a little scrappier than the other clubs in town, but the people there can be warm and friendly. anyway it was nice to glimpse back at those days, and honestly it makes me want to get home and put on my torn jeans and go dancing at star shoes, all of a sudden. sigh, maybe in a few weeks.

my health hangs in just fine but my exercise regiment has died and been belly up for.. well, for so long that i'd rather not mention it. i should be in worse shape right now, well appearance-wise, i guess i have a stubborn constitution. But i do feel it inside, in my energy, in my enthusiasm. Standing up and leaving my desk suddenly feels draggy, of late. I just want to melt into it, flop on the floor. it ain't that bad, but i have been exposed to the opposite which makes the days of lethargy that much more noticeable to me. i need to find someway to kick my lifestyle into a more active gear, to say the least. instead, i just complain about it - a lot - but in so doing i hope to inspire myself to affect some change. hey, it's happened before!

alright, well there you have it. i didn't want to write, and it shows. at least now i can get outta here. Pasadena HO! Bye...

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